3 Reasons to Shop Small This Christmas

3 Reasons to Shop Small This Christmas

It's the most wonderful time of the year! Families get together, friends exchange gifts and neighbours show goodwill towards one another. In the midst of all this holiday cheer, don't forget to show some love to your local businesses. Small businesses are the heartbeat of the economy, and this holiday season is the perfect time to support them. Here are three reasons you should shop small this Christmas.

1. You'll be supporting your community.

When you shop at small businesses, you're supporting your neighbours, and friends. These are the people who contribute to make the community what it is. By spending with small businesses you are ensuring that they can continue to do good in the community - whether it's through job creation, youth programs or charitable giving.

2. You'll get unique gifts.

Fighting the crowds at big stores is enough to make anyone want to pull their hair out. When you shop small you can avoid the madness and find unique products that you wont find in the big chains.  Small businesses offer items that are not only one of a kind, but quite often made locally, so you can give a gift which is truly special!

3. You'll get better service.

When was the last time a member of staff at a big store went out of their way to help you? Probably never. But good customer service is a hallmark of small businesses - after all, these business owners have a vested interest in making sure that their customers are happy since their livelihoods depend on it!  When you shop small, you can expect top-notch service and attention that will make your shopping experience much more enjoyable. 

So, this Christmas remember to shop small!!  You'll be supporting your community, getting unique gifts and enjoying better customer service when you do.


Merry Christmas!





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